Public Opinion and Intelligence

CINCO is the public opinion research, market research, and data analysis consulting firm that is part of Zimat Consultores. We are characterized by a deep understanding of strategic planning processes in the field of reputation, which allows us to design and execute studies tailored to the needs of our clients and ensure the acquisition of relevant information for decision-making, useful in designing effective strategies that respond to the realities of the environment and the perceptions of key audiences.

With 40 years of experience in applying quantitative and qualitative research models, we are active members of the AMAI (Mexican Association of Research and Public Opinion Agencies), and our processes are certified by the ESIMM (AMAI Quality Standard), reflecting our commitment to truthfulness and scientific rigor.


Corporate reputation and public opinion, internal communication and organizational climate, evaluation of institutional campaigns, innovation, customer experience, brand image, and positioning are just a few of the studies we conduct.


CINCO's multidisciplinary team of professionals combines training in social sciences and exact sciences with the experience of renowned multinational research agencies and the strategic focus of Zimat, the leading communications firm in Mexico. 


CINCO's consultants have conducted over 1,000 studies for more than 250 clients in Mexico and Latin America, working with various types of companies, organizations, and institutions. Our team has supported CEOs, management teams, and departments in communication, marketing, sales, human resources, and product research and development in addressing business challenges and generating knowledge based on data.


Transform your data (internal or external) into insights for better decision-making.
Identify and understand the factors that determine your company's reputation and stakeholders' perceptions of it.
Understand the needs and expectations of communities to build effective social and environmental impact programs.
Identify your positioning as an employer and the perceptions current and potential employees have of your company.
Evaluate the understanding and acceptance of corporate and product campaigns among the target audience.
Identify changes in perception and behavior resulting from corporate campaigns or initiatives.
Understand your organization's climate, the level of commitment and sense of belonging of your employees, and their alignment with the organization's principles and goals.
Convey strategic information to support change and innovation processes to answer “How do I ensure the success of my new product, service, or process?”
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2023 Stevie Winer, CAINTRA Nuevo LEÓN

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